Roger Helmer's veiled threat to David Cameron.

Posted 23:30 by Eurosceptic News in
Roger Helmer has tentatively threatened Conservative Leader David Cameron, saying he would "personally regard our commitment not to accept the Lisbon Treaty as the heart of the Manifesto on which I was elected two weeks ago, and I should regard any retreat from it as a betrayal of our supporters, and of the British people."

The Conservative MEP for the East Midlands made the threat on his blog. He went on to say that he would have to have to consider his position in the Party "very carefully" if Cameron did not give the British people a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, even if it is ratified by the Irish second time round.

Helmer's comments come after Conservatives Shadow Business Secretary Ken Clarke seemingly announced that the Tories would not grant a referendum if the Treaty was ratified by the time a Conservative government was in place.

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